“Forget the stock market! Invest in Chanel” is an idiom I live by. Chanel bags retain their value incredibly well, since the brand notoriously raise the prices of their bags every 6-12 months, while largely keeping their designs the same. Unlike the stock market, you are guaranteed to get your money back if you sell your Chanel bag in the future. A bag that I purchased in 2015 is now worth over $600 dollars more than I paid and I have enjoyed it for 4 years. The initial price tag, however, can understandably feel daunting and knowing what to buy can be even more intimidating. You want to be sure you’re making a decision that you’ll be happy with long term, so below is a guide to help you navigate your first Chanel purchase.
To keep it simple, you are going to want to consider the following things before investing in a Chanel bag. Read on for more details on each.
Chain length
Color and hardware
New vs. Consignment